Python descriptors
February 07, 2023
Edit on GithubI only learned today about a neat Python feature: descriptors. I came across that feature twice in the same day: once at work on a custom Django field for translations and a second time in this great article.
From the article, I dived a bit deeper and landed on the amazing “Descriptor How To Guide” from the Python documentation. The example of logging is a simple, yet practical one, that helped me “get” it:
class LoggedAgeAccess:
"""Descriptor class."""
def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
value = obj._age
print(f'Accessing age={value}')
return value
def __set__(self, obj, value):
print(f'Updating age to {value=}')
obj._age = value
class Person:
"""Class using the descriptor."""
# Descriptor instance
age = LoggedAgeAccess()
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
# Calls __set__()
self.age = age
def birthday(self):
# Calls __get__() then __set__()
self.age += 1
The guide expands on more advanced usages. I love how it starts simple, gets more complicated as you go, before expanding on the more formal definitions. A great resource from Raymond Hettinger.